Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune Sightings

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Last night I took advantage of good seeing conditions to watch Jupiter. The GRS was easily visible against the whitish cloud bands around where the Southern eq band should be. Saw another black dot on the surface which I identified as Ganymede transiting. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a moon transiting so I stayed up to watch egress at the western limb around 12:05 this morning. I also saw several white circles within the northern eq band for the 1st time. As Ganymede egressed, I noticed that it looked like a sphere instead of a point of light. It’s the first time I’ve seen any of the moons as anything but a point of light. I’m assuming (feel free to comment on this) that the combination of 2 light sources and their relative angles to each other (Jupiter and the Sun) gave the moon a 3D look. While I was at it, I spent some time looking at Uranus (looks blue to me). Its about 1degree North and slightly west of Jupiter and at 230 mag I could definately see it as a sphere. Neptune is about 1degree East of Mu Capricorn and I used 9×63 binos to ID it. I hope those at the various star parties are having a good time this weekend!