Set up last night on the driveway to start imaging and wouldn’t you know, the minute I started, I noticed a smokey smell in the air. I looked up and I could barely make out the milky way. I measured an SQM of 19.47. Surprisingly the NA Nebula managed to show up in the frames. This was first time trying out my Celestron LPR filter. I really got lucky with the framing of this object, since it is so large that it took up the entire frame and I could barely even see it on the camera display.
Canon 300D, 80mm Equinox,10x4min, lpr filter
Later in the night the SQM got up to 20.17 and I thought it would be nice to try M33.
Canon 300D, c6 SCT @f6.3 15x4min, no filter
By Kerry LH