Sunset Prizes

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Yesterday (Mar 29) was the Full Moon – also known as the Worm Moon which marks the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the thawing of the ground, and the movement of earthworms. The moon will still be quite full tonight and is very pretty just as it rises at sunset in the East-South-East (a nice orange-yellow on Mon night).

This week also has a nice conjunction of Venus and Mercury which are only 3 degrees apart in the West (approx the width of 2 or 3 fingers together held at arm’s length). Once the glare of the sun has gone behind the horizon, look for a bright “star” along the same path where the sun had set. Once you find it, then look to the right or below to find a fainter, but still quite visible Mercury. This pairing will be visible for the next few days with Mercury changing its relative position in respect to Venus each day. (Venus is also moving each day, but not as much.)

Go out just after the sun has set and enjoy wonderful views East or West. You won’t even need any equipment – these are excellent visual and regular photographic objects.