I just got home from an evening of observing at BCA. Don and I were there, as well as 2 guests who came with me in my …. 2001 …. van which now holds the Great White Scope and accessories.
I spent the afternoon designing and building a rack to put everything in neatly, as, not being a volkswagen,
things are otherwise not snug-fitting.
I watched the movie ‘The Lorax’ which was played on a huge inflatable screen with rear-projection. The sound system was remarkably good, as was the klondike i bought at intermission.
The evening had started out cloudy but then cleared to the north. Patchy clear skies in the south allowed me to see Saturn for a while (properly termed a sucker-hole) before i set up the GWS.
I did set up, and Don had a refractor. Alas, they played the credits of the movie before they announced the observing, and by then all had left except Don, Me and my 2 guests.
We still had a chance to discuss the night sky and the wonders of the human eye, while waiting for the southern sky to clear. We saw Arcturus and Alberio and many nearby stars, and discussed precession and stellar magnitudes and ways to find the north star, and planned to come again.