This month’s full moon is tonight and I am hoping to get out and see its rising. In preparation (and because I just couldn’t wait until tonight!), I went out last night to view and photograph the nearly full moon.
This image was taken with my 90mm refractor and a barlow to increase the image scale. I then converted the image to black and white and increased the contrast a bit. I hope to get an image of the full moon rising tonight.
The moon rises around 7:20 tonight, just barely south of due east, and I heartily encourage you to get out and see the moon and enjoy one of the loveliest naked eye sights in the sky.
I had my camera running every 2 seconds, pointed at the horizon.
I was delighted when i first saw the Moon!
I went back over my photos.
Played them backwards and followed the moon into the murk.
Even knowing exactly where the Moon was, I could not see it before it was half up.
Here’s the first photo that I can distinguish the moon in.
A minute later, it’s a little easier to spot.
I finally noticed it on the horizon about 20 seconds after the second photo, and re-pointed my camera.
Thanks for thinking of this outing. I enjoyed it.