Amateur Spectroscopy

This post is more than 60 days old and may no longer be the most up-to-date content. For event related posts, please check for a newer article to avoid confusion on times and locations.

Join us this Friday at 7:30pm for our March members meeting.  This month our special guest speaker is Tom Field, contributing editor to Sky and Telescope magazine and accomplished amateur spectroscopist.  Tom will be giving an overview of spectroscopy and how the amateur can contribute with their own spectra.

Advanced Imaging Conference 2012 Speakers

For the past 10 years Tom has been a contributing editor to Sky and Telescope Magazine.  About the same time as he began that he founded Field Tested Systems as a way to share his passion for hands-on-science, education, and citizens’ science.  Specializing in amateur spectroscopy his software allows the user to analyze stellae spectrographs in real time, allowing amateurs to explore the composition of stars.

There will also be another installment of The Sky This Month from our Observing Director Matthew Mannering, along with an assortment of door prizes!

Members will receive a ZOOM link for the meeting and all others can watch via our YouTube channel here. Subscribe if you haven’t done so already so you can watch past meetings as well as some additional content.

We hope to “see” you there!

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