1. Eligibility
All persons who are interested in astronomy as outlined in the Constitution are eligible to apply for membership.
2. Classes
There shall be three classes of membership: Individual, Family and Honourary.
An Individual member is a person who has paid the Individual membership fee.
A Family membership shall include the family members of a person who has paid the Family membership fee. Family members are limited to the person named on the membership application form, their spouse and children.
An Honourary membership may be given to a person for an outstanding contribution to astronomy. Honourary members are entitled to all the rights and privileges of an Individual member, as well as, free membership for one year. A maximum of five Honourary members may be permitted at any one time.
3. Fees
The fee for an Individual membership shall be $40.00, a Family membership is $45.00
4. Membership Year
The membership year commences November 1st and ends on October 31st in the following year. Applications for membership received after August 1st of the current membership year shall be applied to the upcoming membership year.
5. Eligibility to Vote
An Individual or Honourary member in good standing is entitled to one vote. A Family membership in good standing entitles two family members to a single vote each.
6. Entitlement
Family, Honourary and Individual members in good standing are entitled to:
(i) receive notice of and attend all meetings of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers, (ii) receive publications of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers, (iii) stand for election to the council of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers, and (iv) attend all activities of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers.
7. Termination or Expulsion
Any member whose continued membership in the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers is not in the best interests of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers may be expelled from membership by the general membership. A member whose expulsion is to be proposed has the right to receive written notice of the meeting at which such expulsion may be proposed and to make representations at the meeting. Members who have been expelled may only be reconsidered for membership by approval of the general membership.
1. Composition
Council shall be composed of the three officers defined in the Constitution, Second Chair, Recorder, and the following directors: Observing Director, Public Education Director, Editor, Membership Director. In addition, council may appoint up to five councillors.
2. Quorum
Two-fifths of the council or 2 council members, whichever is the greater, shall constitute a quorum at any council meeting.
3. Eligibility
To be eligible for a council position, a member must be paid up for the membership year for which they are nominated and have been a member for at least six months prior. To be eligible for the office of Chair, a member must have served at least one term as a member of council. In addition, they must meet the qualifications for an officer as outlined below. If no such nominee is available. the office of chair is open to the general membership. Any Family or Individual member is eligible to be an officer of the organization except:
(i) a person who is less than 18 years of age, and (ii) a person who has been a member for less than one year.
Any Family or Individual member is eligible to be a council member other than an officer except a person who is less than 15 years of age. A maximum of two persons from any one Family membership may sit on the council.
4. Election of Council Members
Election of council members shall be held at the annual meeting. The annual meeting is to be held at the October general meeting of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers. The term of office shall be the same as the membership year.
5. Resignation of Council Members
A council member may resign from office upon giving a written resignation to the organization and such resignation becomes effective when received by an officer or at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later.
6. Removal of Council Members
The members may, by ordinary resolution at any meeting, remove any council member from office before the expiration of his/her term and may, by a majority of votes cast at a meeting, elect any member in his/her place for the remainder of his/her term. A council member whose removal is proposed has the right to receive written notice of the meeting at which such removal is to be voted on.
7. Duties of Council Members
Chair – shall preside at all meetings of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers and the council. He/she shall organize the general meetings and arrange for speakers. The Chair shall have signing authority for the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers.
2nd Chair – shall assist the Chair in his/her duties and assume the duties of the Chair in his/her absence.
Secretary – shall conduct all official correspondence. The Secretary shall keep a true copy of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers as well as a true record of all annual and council meetings of the organization. Records of any meetings at which a vote is held by the membership shall also be kept by the Secretary. Records must be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any member. The Secretary shall have signing authority for the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers and shall be responsible for producing meeting agenda.
Treasurer – shall handle all financial affairs of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers and the care and custody of its funds under the direction of the council. The Treasurer shall have signing authority for the organization and shall keep accurate books of account which must be available for inspection at all reasonable times by any member. The Treasurer shall submit a report including financial statements at the annual meeting.
Recorder – shall take accurate records of all annual and council meetings of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers as well as of any meetings at which a vote is held by the membership.
Directors & Councillors – the duties of such council members shall be such as the terms of their engagement call for or the council requires of them.
8. Honourary Chair
The title of Honourary Chair may be given to a member to recognize their lifetime contributions to astronomy. The Honourary Chair is entitled to all the rights and privileges of an Individual member, free membership for life and may attend all council meetings.
An Annual Meeting shall be held to elect a council for the next membership year and to receive the reports of the current council members, where appropriate. At the Annual Meeting, an auditor shall be appointed if necessary. The Annual Meeting shall be held at the October general meeting.
Two-fifths of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of dissolution of the organization or amendment of the Constitution. Otherwise, all questions proposed for the consideration of members shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast thereon.
Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority of those members present at an Annual Meeting, provided that written notice of the proposed changes has been sent to all members at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by a majority vote of those members present at a general meeting.
Adopted May 13. 1994.