
HAA Fall Workshop

Mark your calendars! Join the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers on November 16 at 6:00 PM for our Fall workshop.  As with our spring event, there will be several speakers discussing various aspects of astronomy and how to get the most out of this very rewarding hobby.  As always, be sure to bring your questions and curiosity as there will be several knowledgeable amateur astronomers available to help you start out in astronomy, take it to the next level, or perhaps give you some holiday gift ideas for the amateur astronomer in your life.

The schedule of speakers is as follows;

6:00 PM – Jim Wamsley,  Meteorite Display (this will be an on going display throughout the evening)
6:30 PM – Barry Shermann, Introduction to Telescope Types
7:00 PM – Bernie Venasse, Choosing the Right Star Atlas
7:30 PM – Kevin Salwach, Binoculars for Astronomy
8:00 PM – Sue MacLachlan, The Astronomers’ Library
8:30 PM – Matthew Mannering, Eyepieces and Accessories

Admission is free so bring your family and friends!

***Please note that this event will be a workshop only.  The scope clinic will held in January 2019.  Stay tuned for those details.

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Vega Spectroscopy

Amateur Spectroscopy

These two pictures are ‘astro images’ of the star Vega which is found in the constellation Lyra (The Harp), one of the most prominent night sky asterisms from early Greek and Roman civilization and culture. It is also one of the brightest objects in the night sky after the Sun, Moon, Venus and the star, Sirius.

Until about the beginning of the 20th century, all astronomy, including professional studies, was basically descriptive and hand-drawn from hours of work spent at the eyepieces of a given telescope. However, since it was not going to go any further in this direction, it remained for astronomers like Henry Norris Russell and others to move astronomical studies into the realms of physics and emerging interpretations of Nature and the Universe such as Quantum Mechanics and the General and Special Theories of Relativity.

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