Sat Jan 14, 3 members of the HAA attended a regional cub camp at Blue Springs Scout Reserve near Acton. The HAA had been asked (via Brenda Frederick – HAA member and cub leader) to do a series of presentations to help over 60 cubs work towards earning their Astronomy badges. Since this is the type of thing our club loves to do, we jumped at the chance to help. My thanks to Joe McArdle and Steve Germann for coming along with me to put together an effective and enjoyable program for the kids (and their leaders too). We talked about types of telescope, showed them meteorite fragments, helped them find the North Star, talked about some constellations and legends surrounding them – and more. A full program where we broke up into 3 teams and rotated the kids through the various sessions.
We actually had clear skies, but their program was so full, we didn’t have time to set up any scopes afterwards to show the kids views through them.
A lot of fun as always, but now I have a sore throat from all the talking 🙂