Join us on Friday, April 8th, starting at 7:30 PM EDT, as we welcome Pittsburgh Pennsylvania amateur astronomer Larry McHenry, who will give a presentation on “Observing the Moon for Beginners”, an introduction to our nearest neighbor in the Solar System.

Larry McHenry has been active in amateur astronomy for over 40 years, and is a member of the Kiski Astronomers, and the Oil Region Astronomical Society (ORAS) in Southwestern Pennsylvania. You can learn more about Larry’s astronomical interests online at his webportal:
Of course, we will also have an instalment of The Sky This Month, with Matthew Mannering to guide us through the April sky.
And as always we will have “door prizes” to virtually hand out for club members!
This will be an online Zoom meeting and all members are invited to join in and enjoy the presentations. New this month you can view it on our Facebook channel here or watch it at a later date on our YouTube channel here
We hope to “see” you there!