Observing Thur 16 Apr 2009

This post is more than 60 days old and may no longer be the most up-to-date content. For event related posts, please check for a newer article to avoid confusion on times and locations.

If you check the main page of our website and look at the Clear Sky Charts for Hamilton and Binbrook, you will notice that we have very good observing conditions for tonight.

While nothing is being formally organized, we encourage any member to use the Alternate observing location on Tyneside Rd. There is a good parking area and park land available for setting up scopes and binoculars. There is pretty good visibility in most directions.

Here’s a map to the location: Tyneside

There are usually several observers at this location on any night that conditions are good, so you are likely to run into members or other astronomers that aren’t members.

One note of caution for personal safety though. This is an area open to the public. We have never heard of any problems from observers in this area, and many have used this alone or in small numbers, but bring along a cell phone in case of emergency. And it’s a good idea to go with another observer. You might consider holding off setting up equipment until another arrives – which is almost certain to happen. It’s great opportunity to get to know some other astronomers in our area.

Please feel free to take advantage of what is bound to be great seeing conditions tonight. And if you do go out, please post a note about your observing on the blog or email our observing director. observing@amateurastronomy.org