General Meeting for November 10th 2017.
Barry Sherman will be speaking on telescope eyepieces at this Friday’s November 10th general meeting.
The HAA 2018 Celestial Events Calendar will be available at this event.
General Meeting for November 10th 2017.
Barry Sherman will be speaking on telescope eyepieces at this Friday’s November 10th general meeting.
The HAA 2018 Celestial Events Calendar will be available at this event.
The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers 2018 Celestial Events Calendar is now available!
This cosmic collection of club member photos is out of this world and set to blast off at the next General Meeting (Nov 10) for $15 each or two for $25. Each month includes upcoming celestial events, Moon phases, Sunrise/Sunset times, and astro-tips to keep you informed this 2018.
All revenue generated from calendar sales goes back into the club to help support future club activities!
Be sure to beam-up your calendar and don’t forget they also make excellent holiday gifts!
The latest issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available for download!
In this issue you’ll find…
Download the latest issue or visit the newsletters section for past issues.
Photo credit: Aurora in Vik, Iceland by David T.
The latest issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available for download!
In this issue you’ll find…
Download the latest issue or visit the newsletters section for past issues.
Photo credit: M13 by Matthew Mannering
General Meeting for October 13th 2017.
Kevin Salwach will be speaking about this day in astronomy history, covering some of astronomy’s notable figures.
Kevin Salwach is a councillor-at-large with the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers, and has been a member of the club for almost a decade. Kevin first discovered his love of the cosmos at McMaster’s McCallion Planetarium in winter 2008, and after seeing Saturn through Jim Wamsley’s telescope at an HAA public night the following spring, he was hooked for life. An avid amateur astronomer, pilot, hunter and trapper, Kevin can frequently be found observing the stars from the balcony of his apartment in downtown Hamilton or enjoying the great outdoors in the forests of Flamborough and Dundas.
The latest issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available for download!
In this issue you’ll find…
Download the latest issue or visit the newsletters section for past issues.
Photo credit: Solar Eclipse 2017 by Bruce Pawlett
General Meeting for September 8th 2017.
If you’re considering becoming a new member of the HAA then this is the perfect general meeting to attend. Our chair, Bernie Venasse will be covering what new members can expect from the HAA. For existing members, Bernie will continue with HAA events of recent past, what is happening now and what is coming in the near future. Come join us this Friday for a fun evening and the sharing of our passion for everything cosmic!
Bernie Venasse is the HAA’s Chairman and has been an active astronomer since the days of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. He is an active member of the British Astronomical Association, The International Dark Sky Association, the Astronomical League and Astronomers without Borders.
On Monday August 21, 2017 a partial solar eclipse will be visible from Hamilton and surrounding areas. This is a wonderful opportunity to see a rare and spectacular natural event. The eclipse will last over 2½ hours, changing in appearance throughout that time, with the greatest amount of the Sun being eclipsed at 2:31 pm. At that time about 76% of the Sun will be blocked.
Join Us – All Welcome for the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Event this August 12, 2017
Free Admission
Watch the Perseids meteor shower with the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers at the Binbrook Conservation Area from 8 to 11 p.m. on Saturday August 12. Admission is free so bring the whole family for a fun evening under the stars! There will also be a meteorite display, night sky tour and members will set-up their telescopes for observing celestial objects.
The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers’ very own John Gauvreau will be speaking at Hamilton & Grimsby Public Libraries between July and October. Well worth checking out, John covers a wide range of astronomical topics both informative and entertaining.
Be sure to visit an event near you!