June Event Horizon Newsletter

The June issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available.

In this issue you’ll find…

  • The Sky This Month
  • Astronomy Phone Apps
  • Scenes From McQuesten Park Public Night
  • Upcoming Events
  • Plus Much More!

Download your copy from the newsletters section.

Photo credit: Bob Christmas, Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and NGC 188

McQuesten Park Public Stargazing Night

We had another successful public stargazing night, this time at T.B. McQuesten Park on the Hamilton mountain Sat 23 May 2015. We had some thin cirrus clouds to start the night off, but they didn’t impair viewing of the Moon, Venus and Jupiter – all well positioned in the western sky after sunset. Eventually they dissipated and we had pretty good seeing.

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Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and NGC 188, by Bob Christmas

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and open star cluster NGC 188 in Cepheus, near the north celestial pole.  Taken near Barry’s Bay, Ontario on May 13, 2015 between 10:24 pm & 11:29 pm EDT.  Stack of 30 exposures of 1 minute each; 30 minutes total.  Canon 40D through Tamron 300mm lens at f/2.8, on SP mount.  ISO 1600.


May Event Horizon Newsletter

The May issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available.

In this issue you’ll find…

  • Letters from B.A.S.E.F. Winners
  • The Sky This Month
  • A Trip Down Memory Lane
  • Scenes From The Spring Scope Clinic
  • Scenes From Astronomy Day
  • Plus Much More!

Download your copy from the newsletters section.

Photo credit: Don Pullen, Astronomy Day 2015

Astronomy Day 2015 Summary

The HAA celebrated Astronomy Day this year at Bayfront Park in Hamilton. We had excellent weather with crystal clear seeing during the day and minimal light clouds during the evening.

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General Meeting for May 8, 2015 @ 7:30pm

Capturing the Stars

Kerry-Ann will be talking about her journey in the intense hobby of astrophotography from 2007 up to 2015 and sharing some of the stories behind the many objects that were captured along with her more recent projects and goals.

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April Event Horizon Newsletter

The April issue of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers Event Horizon newsletter is now available.

In this issue you’ll find…

  • The Sky This Month
  • Comet Lovejoy in Cassiopeia
  • 2015 James A. Winger Prize Presentation at BASEF
  • Kepler 186-F: Earth 2.0 or Earth’s Galactic Cousin?
  • Upcoming Events
  • Plus Much More!

Download your copy from the newsletters section.

Photo credit: Ann Tekatch, St. Patrick Day Aurora

At Last!!!

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this season’s inaugural public viewing session in Grimsby, but I did get my telescope out for some solar and lunar viewing on the weekend. After a long and cold winter, the comparatively mild temperatures and clear skies were like a siren’s call, luring me out under the sky.

A week ago I treated myself to a new astro-toy; a Herschel wedge, for white light solar viewing. Both Saturday and Sunday afternoon offered opportunities to test it out, and after comparing different eyepiece and filter combinations, it gave spectacular views that I was very happy with.
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Grimsby Stargazing Event

Skies were clear and the ‘seeing’ was fantastic for our first public stargazing event of 2015. Club members shared detailed views of the Moon & Jupiter with passersby and visitors who came to the Niagara Gateway Tourism Centre.

Jim Wamsley had his telescope connected to the HAA’s video cam and flat screen. This is a great way to point out various lunar features to guests.

Bernie offered views of Comet Lovejoy through his refractor. Lise managed to find M42 in spite of the light pollution and mechanical problems with her scope’s mount.

I was impressed by spectacular views of the Moon & Jupiter through Tony’s & Mike’s refractors. It’s a treat to peer through a well made refractor.

My 6″ Skywatcher Dobsonian reflector is an excellent beginner’s scope and always a hit with people looking for their first telescope. I spent the evening showing several budding amateur astronomers how it works and what excellent views it provides.

I only managed to stay for a couple of hours before the cold wind got to me, but I enjoyed speaking to all the folks who came out to see us.
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The Waxing Crescent Moon and Venus in the Western Sky

The Waxing Crescent Moon and Venus in the Western Sky