Perseid Meteor Shower Event Cancelled.

This post is more than 60 days old and may no longer be the most up-to-date content. For event related posts, please check for a newer article to avoid confusion on times and locations.

Unfortunately due to unfavourable weather conditions we are forced to cancel the Perseid Meteor Shower event planned for Friday, August 12th. The Weather Network is forecasting thunderstorms this evening which presents both unfavourable skies and a safety risk.

If the weather clears in your area and you would still like to catch the meteor shower here are a few tips. However, please be mindful of your surroundings and use common sense — avoid open fields if lightning is forecast.

  • Try to get away from city light pollution to darker skies. With darker skies you’ll be able to view more of the fainter meteors.
  • The best way to experience the show is to recline or lay down on a blanket and just look up.
  • While August 11-12 is the peek, the Perseid’s can also be viewed a couple days after the main event and its worth a look up.

We’ll try again next year with hopefully better weather conditions.

If you’re interested in the sky above and would like to learn more about meteors, the stars, and planets please keep an eye on our event calendar. The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers host public stargazing nights where the whole family can look through telescopes, chat with knowledgable amateur astronomers and get first hand experience with the cosmos.

Please join us for a future event.


Stev Germann says:

You can observe the best and brightest meteors even from your front lawn. Just try to have a view of about a quarter of the sky to give yourself a chance to see them, north or east sky preferred.

Pingback: Perseids Meteor Shower Night, Hamilton Event for August 2016Hamilton Amateur Astronomers

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