Perseids Event at Binbrook

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The Perseids event will be held at Binbrook Conservation Area on Saturday August 10th.

Please keep an eye out for the event being cancelled due to weather.  Currently, the go/no-go time is noon on the 10th. 

The gates will open at 8pm and close for entry at 9:30pm .

The event will end at 11:30pm.

Please don’t leave any litter behind.

Bring your binoculars, lawn chairs and/or a blanket.

HAA volunteers can be identified by their yellow safety vests.  If you have any questions, please feel free to approach them.

We will have a HAA information table near Pavilion #3, down in the grassy bowl by the lake.  There will be a selection of meteorites on display.  We will also have a limited number of free Planispheres at the table.  Planispheres allow you to see what’s up in the sky on any night of the year.  

Our members will have telescopes set up.  You are encouraged to look through the scopes and ask any questions you may have about the equipment or what you see at the eyepiece.  Depending on sky conditions we should be able to show you the Moon and some deep sky objects.  

The Perseids are the ionization trails made by bits of debris left behind by Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.  These meteors are called the Perseids because they appear to originate from the constellation Perseus.  The chart below shows you where to look in the sky to have the best chance of seeing them.  Look for the big “W” (Cassiopeia) low in the sky in the north to northeast.  They will appear to originate from that part of the sky, but you will see them as they flash overhead.

We hope you enjoy your evening!

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