Watch the Perseids meteor shower with the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers at the Binbrook Conservation Area from 8 to 11 p.m. on Sat. August 16. Admission is free so bring the whole family for a fun evening under the stars. Bring a blanket or lounge chair as lying down is one of the best ways to enjoy the meteor shower. Weather and clouds permitting. No rain date scheduled.
There will also be a meteorite display, night sky tour and members will set-up their telescopes for observing celestial objects.
Map: Binbrook Conservation Area, 5050 Harrison Rd, Binbrook
Food Share Donations
Donations of non-perishable food for the Hamilton Food Share program will be collected at this event. Please drop off any items at the drop-box located at the information table in the gazebo with a Canadian flag top (located at main observing area). All donations gratefully accepted and thanks to your generosity we’ve collected thousands of pounds of food since we began. Let’s keep up the great work as the need continues.
Please note, this event was canceled due to weather.
Hi Pablo,
The Perseids do peak on the 12-13th putting us on a Tuesday night which unfortunately means a bright Moon will obscure many of the fainter meteors. Estimates from a dark sky are about 100 per hour but its more likely to top out at 30 per hour with the bright Moon [1]. The good news is on August 16th the Moon wont rise until around midnight giving us a dark sky for our Perseid Meteor event at Binbrook. While the peak viewing time will have past, we’ll have a better opportunity to view the fainter, slower objects and perhaps top the 30 per hour estimate for the 12-13th. Be sure to join us, in addition to Perseid viewing we’ll have telescopes setup for everyone to view through, meteors on display and club members available to share their knowledge of the night sky. Weather notwithstanding, the 16th is sure to be a fun evening even outside of the peak meteor window.
[1] http://www.universetoday.com/113776/fear-not-the-moon-perseids-always-a-great-show/
Hi there,
Doesn’t the Perseids meteor shower peaks on the night of Aug 12th? Although, this year the almost full Moon- two days past- will make it a bit tougher to enjoy it on that night lol…
Anyway, how intense can we expect the meteors activity to be on the night of 16th?
Thansk a million
The Perseids night is always a fun time.,whether you’re a member there to help the public, by offering views through your scope, or one of public there to see the meteors for the first time. Enjoy sky tours from knowledgeable club members and enjoy the park at night.There will also be meteorites there to view and hold. I hope to see you there .
Jim Wamsley
H.A.A. Chair