Saturn Observing (Not!) at PCDC

This post is more than 60 days old and may no longer be the most up-to-date content. For event related posts, please check for a newer article to avoid confusion on times and locations.

While I had internet access, regrettably I was not able to get to my email this afternoon. After the promising clear skies during the day faded to clouds, I was concerned whether our observing session with the public was going to be canceled or not at Parks Canada Discovery Centre. So assuming the occasional breaks were a sign that we’d be able to do some viewing, I packed the car.

I got to the PCDC early to check out possible viewing locations and give myself enough to set up all the gear I brought. The ground was quite soggy in some spots and snow covered in others. Plus the clouds were looking worse, so I held off on the setup.

By the time 7:30 rolled around, I realized I was still the only HAA member present. I started to call around and found that everyone I tried to reach was either not home or wasn’t coming down. No one could give me a confirmation whether the event was still a go or not. I finally reached Jackie and she indicated she was going to come down shortly after 8.

At 7:45, I still hadn’t seen any members, nor any of the public. I was getting concerned. But just before 8, Heather N showed up and a small family. I set up my binoculars to try and glimpse the moon as it appeared between the nimbus clouds, when only obscured by the cirrus clouds. Needless to say, the view was disappointing. I did enjoy talking to the family and the kids took a look at the moon.

Shortly after 8, Jackie arrived along with Mike J and Steve K. Eventually we got one more member of the public to join us and we had 5 each of club members and public – all out to see the clouds and the fleeting glances at the moon.

HAA Troopers smiling even without breaks in the clouds

While we were all enjoying the discussion in the parking lot, eventually we decided to pack up (just my binos – one of my fastest tear-downs) and the HAA members retired to a local Tim’s for more friendly chat. (P.S. I’ve been having great luck with the Roll up the Rim contest. On Sat I won 2 more chances to “Play Again”. Wow – everytime I play.) Wrap-up occurred just before midnight. As we left, we could barely make out Saturn and Regulus and a halo around the moon from the ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Not a stellar observing night – but fun none the less. Hopefully we’ll try this again soon, but with better sky conditions. Unfortunately Mars is receding quickly and it will be even less impressive than it would have been tonight, had we been able to see it. It has been a tough winter for observing, so here’s hoping Spring will be better.