Schmidt–Cassegrain Telescope

Public Telescope Clinic & Open House Event

This post is more than 60 days old and may no longer be the most up-to-date content. For event related posts, please check for a newer article to avoid confusion on times and locations.

Come join the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers this November 19th between 1 and 4pm for our Telescope Clinic and open house! At this event you’ll find knowledgable amateur astronomers with their telescopes and gear on display and available to answer questions. This is a great opportunity if you’re thinking about getting into astronomy! Learn where to get started, the type of gear you should buy and more importantly avoid. Already an amateur astronomer? This is a great way to take your hobby to the next level and learn about more advanced topics such as CCD imaging, auto guiding and more!

Bring your family and friends!

The HAA 2017 Celestial Events Calendar will be available at this event.

Hamilton Spectator Building
44 Frid St, Hamilton

Saturday, November 19th, 1:00 – 4:00pm

Food Share Donations:
Donations of non-perishable food for the Hamilton Food Share program will be collected at this meeting. Please drop off any items at the drop-box located near the entrance of the auditorium. All donations gratefully accepted and thanks to your generosity we’ve collected thousands of pounds of food since we began. Let’s keep up the great work as the need continues.


November 7 Telescope Clinic, John Gauvreau


Steve Germann says:

People should never choose a new telescope without having a chance to look through various kinds of hem first.
For sure the telescope clinic we are holding on November 19th is the best place to begin to learn about telescopes.

It matters a lot what you would like to look at, from where, whether you want to travel and set it up, and whether you want to learn about the sky or just push a button.
That helps narrow down the right kind of telescope to plan for.
First, always try binoculars on a tripod. You will then have a better idea what kind of things you would want to see in greater detail.

Many helpful people at the telescope clinic will offer good advice.

Katie says:

I need some help choosing a new telescope. When it comes to telescopes, I have no idea what they are talking about (refractor, reflector, aperture, etc). I would like to see some different telescopes and see how they perform. Would a general meeting be informative for helping me figure out which would be best?

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