Join us this Friday December 11th at 7:30 PM for our monthly meeting on ZOOM for members, as well on our YouTube channel for non-members. The YouTube link will be posted at 7:15 PM on Friday.
Our guest speaker this month is Dr. Yanqin Wu whose interests are in extra-solar planets, and and will discuss some of her most recent discoveries. These discoveries led her and her team to propose a new space mission, one that promises to find true Earth analogs.

Dr. Yanqin Wu did her undergrad in China, then ventured abroad to the US for an astronomy PhD (Caltech). Postdoctoral training took her to England (University of London) and Canada (University of Toronto), finally settling down in UofT.
Of course we will enjoy another installment of The Sky This Month from our Observing Director Matthew Mannering.
And we have some very special door prizes to hand out! Of course, because this is a virtual meeting we can’t do our regular December Holiday Social, but why not wear something festive and colourful! We can still enjoy each other’s company as always.
We hope to “see” you there!
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