The Waxing Gibbous Moon

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Well, it’s been almost two months since I took a picture of the Moon, and you’re probably saying to yourself, “Gee, I wonder if John is feeling all right.” Not wanting you to think that there’s something wrong with me, here is a shot of the moon that I took tonight. Yup, John’s a geek and all is right in his world. Now, go outside and look at how beautiful the moon is.



Trouble 58 says:

Are there any Calendars still available for 2015. If so, where can they be purchased ? Trouble 58.

    Hi Trouble 58, there are about 40 calendars left and they will be available for sale at the January 9th general meeting. Please stop by to grab your calendars and stay for an entertaining evening with Damien Robertson as he discusses The Life and Times of Betelgeuse.

Jim Wamsley says:

Wow John what a great shot, the detail is incredible, I can’t help going back to look at it over and over again.

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