Winter Observing: Hazards and Joys, December 11, 2015 @ 7:30pm

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General Meeting for December 11, 2015 @ 7:30pm

Imagine if you will… you have been enjoying a crisp clear night with all of nature’s glory before you for a couple hours. Orion’s nebula semmingly coming alive in the night sky. That comet is glowing brighter than advertised, it seems that indeed the universe is unfolding as it should. You feel a chill as the breeze gains a little character, you go to get your sweater out of the car and… it’s LOCKED and the key is in the ignition! Now you are 10 miles from anywhere and it is suddenly colder…

This months topic is titled, ‘Winter Observing: Hazards and Joys’, in which Bernie will recount some experinces gained over the years as well as some tips to help you enjoy the winter skies and avoid some of the hazards that have taken him unprepared!

Bernie Venasse is HAA Chairman and has been an active astronomer since the days of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. He is an active member of the British Astronomical Association, The International Dark Sky Association, the Astronomical League and Astronomers without Borders.

He has received various awards from the Astronomical League including the Binocular Messier Award, Lunar Program Award, Outreach Award, Comet Observers’ Award, and the Double Star Program Award.

Bernie is a frequent user of the Binbrook Conservation Area site and whether he is using a solar scope or a refractor or reflector there or on a street corner or in a neighbourhood park, Bernie is always willing to give his time to assist a fellow astronomer.

2016 Celestial Event Calendars


Calendars will be available at this meeting. Makes an excellent gift! $15 each or two for $25.


Refreshments will be provided at this meeting.

Place and Time

We’ll be meeting at The Hamilton Spectator Building located at 44 Frid St, near the junction of Highway 403 and Main St West in Hamilton. Starting time is at 7:30pm. Admission is free and everyone is welcome!

Door Prizes

There will be a draw for door prizes at the meeting and a free door prize ticket to all who arrive before the 7:30 start time!


Telescope give-away!

Food Share Donations

Donations of non-perishable food for the Hamilton Food Share program will be collected at this meeting. Please drop off any items at the drop-box located near the entrance of the auditorium. All donations gratefully accepted and thanks to your generosity we’ve collected thousands of pounds of food since we began. Let’s keep up the great work as the need continues.